Monday, November 26, 2007

Journal 12/11/07-18/11/07

Last Monday , I learned subject “Law Of Public Finance And Taxation” from 9.00 a.m. to 11.00 a.m. Then I learned subject “English For LawII” continue. In class , teacher gave document about “Intelligent Design” then he explained and discussed. After finish class , I learned subject “World Civilization” from 12.30 p.m. to 14.00 p.m. After that , I had lunch with my friends. About 15.30 p.m. , I learned subject “Specific Contract” from 15.30 p.m. to 19.30 p.m. In class , teacher taught about promise of sale and promise of buy. After finish class , I came back home. I arrived at home about 20.15 p.m. then I had dinner with my parent. Then I read magazine took a bath and went to bed.
Last Tuesday , I woke up at 7 o’clock. I had breakfast with my parent. I left my home about 10.10 a.m. I arrive at university about 10.50 a.m. I learned subject “English For LawII” from 11.00 a.m. to 12.30 p.m. In class , teacher told that we had oral examination. Then we follow him one person. The teacher told me that “What’s your see the last movie” I answered that “The ghost house” and he told that I explained about this movie too. I explained that it had reporter who she suspected this house that it had ghost and soul. She walked into this house then she found some soul which it was very big. It tried to make she haunted. After that , it build haunt picture for her. When she came back her house then she happened haunt picture then she took hold a knife and she would kill her husband but he defense. That ghost house , it used to have family which a husband was doctor and a wife was nurse. Then that doctor felt jealous his wife. That was , he misunderstanded that his wife had lover but really she hadn’t lover. Thus he killed his wife then her soul lived in this house. Later that doctor killed himself. In the end , that reporter killed herself and her husband. In this examination , I got C because I explained not good. After that , I came back home. I arrived home about 14.15 p.m. I had lunch with my mom. Then I slept from 15.30 to 17.15 p.m. After that , I helped my mom cooked. About 18.30 p.m. , we had dinner together. I watched television , took a bath and slept.
Last Wednesday , I woke I woke up at 7 o’clock. I had breakfast with my mom. I left home about 8.15 a.m. I arrived at university about 8.50 a.m. I learned subject “Negotiable Instruments And Current” from 9.00 a.m. to 11.00 a.m. After finished class , I had lunch with my friends. After that , I learned subject “World Civilization” from 12.30 p.m. to 14.00 p.m. After finish class , I came back home. I arrived home about 15.10 p.m. I and my mom went to department store. I wanted to buy private utensils. We arrived our home about 17.35 p.m. After that , we had dinner together. About 21.30 p.m. , I went to bed.
Last Thursday , I learned subject “English For LawII” from 11.00 a.m. to 12.30 p.m. In class , teacher told that we separated group. Each group had 4,5 or 6 persons. Then we discussed about “In ABAC university should teach intelligent design”. I thought that in ABAC had Buddhist about 80 percent. And every religion taught everybody was good person. And I believe that people developed from monkeys. I believed that the god might build about mind. Finally , teacher told that on Monday cancelled class. After finish class , I had lunch with my friends. About 14.00 p.m. , I learned subject “Ethic” from 14.00 p.m. to 17.00 p.m. In class , teacher explained about logo of university and motto of university. After finished class , I came back home. I arrived home about 16.10 p.m. I had dinner with my parent.
Last Friday , I hadn’t learn. I slept all day.

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