Monday, November 26, 2007

Journal 19/11/07-25/11/07
Last Monday , I woke up at 6 o’clock. I didn’t have breakfast. I left home about 8.10 a.m. I arrived at university about 8.50 a.m. I learned subject “Law Of Public Finance And Taxation” from 9.00 a.m. to 11.00 a.m. After finished class , I had lunch with my friends. Really , about 11.00 a.m. , I learned subject “English For LawII” continue but that day my teacher cancelled class. About 12.30 p.m. , I learned subject “World Civilization” from 12.30 p.m. to 14.00 p.m. After that , “World Civilization” from 12.30 p.m. to 14.00 p.m. After that , I deposited my money in a bank. Later , I and my friends went to “S building”. After that , I learned subject “Specific Contract” from 15.30 p.m. to 19.30 p.m. After finished class , I came back home. That day had traffic jam. I arrived my home about 21.15 p.m. I had dinner alone. After that , I took my household and took a bath then I went to my bed.
Last Tuesday , I woke up at 10 o’clock. I was a headache and stomachache. That day , I absented subject “English For LawII” because I was sick. About 14.30 p.m. , I called to my friend. I asked her about in class. She told me that teacher gave new story and on Thursday had quiz about “Monkeys Trial” and “Kansas”. After that , I had lunch with my mom. Then I slept from 15.45 p.m. to 17.20 p.m. That night , another friend called me about in class because she absented too. After that , I played computer and searched data about “Fiscal Policy” from internet. About 23.30 p.m. , I went to my bed.
Last Wednesday , I had breakfast with my parent. I left home about 7.55 a.m. I arrived at university about 8.35 a.m. That day , it didn’t have park near university. I learned subject “Negotiable Instruments And Current” from 9.00 a.m. to 11.00 a.m. That day , this subject changed teacher. She reviewed old lesson too. It made me more understand. After finished class , I had lunch with my friends. About 12.30 p.m. , I learned subject “World Civilization”. In class , teacher told that each group choose topic of report. And she taught about history of Indian. After finished class , I came back home. I arrived home about 15.15 p.m. That day , it was birthday of my old friend. I called to her. I told “Happy Birthday” for her. And I wish her successful for her lift. About 18.10 p.m. , I help my mother’s younger sister at The Victory Monument. She sold fashion shoes. I arrived home about 21.45 p.m. After that , I watched television , took a bath and I slept.
Last Thursday , I woke up at 8.20 a.m. I helped my mom cook. After that , we had breakfast together. I left home about 10.10 a.m. I arrived university at 10.40 a.m. I met my friends. We talked about that quiz. About 11.05 a.m. , we walked into classroom. We made that quiz quietly. After finished class , I came back home. During way , I dropped to make private business. I arrived at home about 16.40 p.m. I had dinner with my parent. Then I took a bath and I went to my bedroom.
Last Friday , I called to my old friends. I wanted to meet them because on Saturday was Loy-Graa-Tong festival. I told that they met me at The Victory Monument because that place was near place of them. About 13.50 p.m. , I went to department store with my brother. We bought sticker and writing implements for made price tag. And we bought vegetables and fruits too. I arrived home about 15.20 p.m. We cooked for dinner.
On Saturday , I wake up at 8 o’clock. I don’t have breakfast because last night I eat dinner very much. About 16.00 p.m. , I call to my old friends for remind them. About 20.30 p.m. , I wait my old friends at The Victory Monument. We don’t activities but we go to “Family Restaurant”. It is seafood. We converse about the past. After that , we go separate ways. I arrive at home about 1.30 a.m. I take a bath then I sleep because today I am very tire.

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