Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Journal 06/08/07-12/08/07

Last Monday , I wake up 7 o’clock. I had breakfast alone. I left my home about 8.15 a.m. I arrived at university about 9.05 a.m. I learned subject “English for law I” from 9.30 a.m. to 11.00 a.m. In class , teacher asked everybody about chapter 7-12 in the book. After finish class , I had lunch with my friends. After that , I deposited money in a bank with my friends then we went to separate ways. I arrived my home about 14.30 p.m. I washed my car from 15.00 p.m. to 16.30 p.m. After that , I took a bath and had dinner with my mom. Then I played computer game with my sister from 18.10 p.m. to 19.30 p.m. Then I watched television about news. After that , I slept.
Last Tuesday , I woke up at 7 o’clock. I hadn’t breakfast. I left my home about 8.20 a.m. I arrived at university about 9.00 a.m. I met my old friend. We conversed about private matter. I learned subject “English for law I” from 9.30 a.m. to 11.00 a.m. In class , teacher told that everybody wrote essay about the firm that “You like or dislike about the firm in a book”. Minimum 1 page within 1 hour. And teacher told everybody watched a movie and others that it was English language then related a story to him On Thursday. After finish class , I waited my friends from 11.00 a.m. to 12.20 p.m. then we had lunch together. After that , we went to “M building” for my friend withdraw subject “Introduction to economics” because she got a low point in midterm examination. Last Tuesday 7th August, it was Ra-Pee day. He was father of law. At auditorium room , it had act about law. At the time , I though that I couldn’t see it but when I met teacher. She told that we could see the act. That act was show about the law. That was “The man raped the man” and “The woman raped the man” is it guilty?. After finish act , I and my friends went to separate ways. I arrived my home about 16.30 p.m. I had dinner with my parents about 17.45 p.m. After that , I watched television about news from 18.30 to 20.30 p.m.
Then I took a bath and slept.
Last Wednesday , it was holiday because it was the first day of universiage. It had at indoor stadium Huamark which it was pass street. I went my friend’s house. I visited my friend’s mother. She was sick. After that , I had lunch with my friend. Then we conversed about the past. After that , I came back my home. I arrived at home about 14.30 p.m. Then I went to Pattinium Shopping Mall with my mom. She bought a blue polo shirt and wallet. I bought a shoulder bag and necklace. I bought long-sleeved shirt for my dad. After that , we ate some noodle then we came back our home. We arrived at home about 18.20 p.m. I watched television , took a bath and slept.
Last Thursday , I woke up at 7 o’clock. I had breakfast with my mom. I left my home about 8.10 a.m. I arrived at university about 8.50 a.m. I learned subject “English for law I” from 9.30 a.m. to 11.00 a.m. In class , teacher told that everybody checked grammar from essay that each person wrote when last Tuesday. After that , he asked one by one about when last night “What does you watched?”. I watched drama. The title’s name “Glin-Gaow-Glang-Jai”. He asked me that “What does about it?”. After finish class , I had lunch with my friends then we went to the library from 12.10 p.m. to 13.40 p.m. I learned subject “Obligation of law” from 14.00 p.m. to 18.00 p.m. I arrived at home about 19.15 p.m. I had dinner with my parents. After that , I took a bath , read a book and slept.
Last Friday , I woke up at 6 o’clock. I hadn’t breakfast. I left my home about 7.05 a.m. I arrived at university about 7.50 a.m. I learned subject “Introduction to economics” from 8.00 a.m. to
9.30 a.m. In class , teacher taught about “Business cycles”. After finish class , I ate hamburger with my friends. Then we went to separate ways. I arrived at home about 12.00 a.m. I told my mom that on Mother Day , I and my family would to have dinner outdoor. In that evening , I went market fair with my mom. She bought a deck chair. After that , I cooked with my mom then we had dinner together. At 19.30 p.m. , I listened a radio then I took a bath and went to bed.
Last Saturday , I woke up at 7 o’clock. I had breakfast. I left my home about 8.35 a.m. I arrived at university about 9.10 a.m. I thought that , I lated but when I walked into a room. The teacher not yet having arrived. He arrived about 10.05 a.m. I finish class about 11.00 a.m. After that , I had lunch with my friend then we went to separate ways. I arrived at home about 13.30 p.m. I played computer game from 13.50 p.m. to 15.30 p.m. After that , I played badminton with my neighbour from 15.45 p.m. to 16.30 p.m. Then I had dinner with my parents. After that , I took a bath , watched television and went to bed.
Last Sunday , it was Mother Day. I woke up at 9 o’clock. I had breakfast with my parents. We went to temple for cast images of the Buddha. Then we had lunch at restaurant. We arrived at home about 15.30 p.m.

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