Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Summary Chapter 3
The fifth floor


1. bug : phone tap
2. risk : the possibility of something bad happening at some
time in the future
3. grin : smile
4. FBI : Federal Bureau of Investigation
5. rid : to remove something that is causing a problem from
a place
6. suspect : to have an idea that something is probably true
likely to happen
7. surveillance : the act of carefully watching a person suspected
of a crime or a place where a crime may be committed
8. definitely : in a way that is certain or that shows that you are
9. persuade : to make somebody do something by giving them
good reasons for doing it
10.argue : to speak angrily to somebody because you disagree
With them

The fifth floor of the Bendini Building. It has no law office. In the centre there were empty room. It has a button beside it and camera over it. Which Devasher , the head of security. He was supervisor
On Monday , Lambert entered Devasher’s office. Then they talked about Mcdeere. Devasher told that Mitch would not be a security risk for the firm. Devasher played Lambert a tape of phone calls from Mitch’s hotel room to Abby
After that , Lambert told that “I wish we could find his brother Ray.” And Devasher opened another. It’s not good news. Last week the FBI checked Kozinski’s house and found our bugs. Kozinski told Hodge that they’re very careful. Devasher , Lambert and Ollie. They wanted to kill Kozinski , Hodge and Tarrance because Taraance was FBI agent.

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