Sunday, February 10, 2008

14/01/08 – 20/01/08
Last Monday , I woke up at 6 o’clock. I took a bath. I had breakfast with my dad. I left home about 8.00 a.m. I arrived at university about 8.40 a.m. I waited my friend at the park. I learned subject “Law of Finance” for 9.00 a.m. to 11.00 a.m. In class , teacher taught about “Government Finance and Private Finance”. After finished class , I learned subject “English For LawII” from 11.00 a.m. to 12.30 p.m. In class , teacher explained about chapter 2 and he gave assignment of chapter 2 too. After finished class , I learned subject “World Civilization” from 12.30 p.m. to 14.00 p.m. In class , teacher told that the report sent about 2 week before final examination and she taught about “Protestant Reformation”. After finished class , I had lunched with my friends. I went to decoration shop near university with my friends. I bought a ring. It was a butterfly picture. It was beautiful. After that , I learned subject “Specific Contract I” from 15.30 p.m. to 19.30 p.m. In class , teacher taught about “And agreement to sale”. After finished class , I came back home. I arrived my home about 20.50 p.m. That day , it was traffic jams. I had dinner alone because my parents had dinner already. After that , I took a bath and went to my bed because I was very tired.
Last Tuesday , I woke up at 8 o’ clock. I had breakfast with my parents. I left home about 10.05 a.m. I arrived at university about 10.40 a.m. I learned subject “English For LawII” from 11.00 a.m. to 12.30 p.m. In class , teacher gave assignment of chapter 3 “Hospital Call” and he explained this chapter. After finished class , I had lunch with my friends then we went to separate ways. I came back home. I arrived home about 14.20 p.m. After that , my brother persuaded me went to the department store. I went to MBK department store. My brother bought a mobile phone. After that , we had dinner together that place. We arrived at home about 20.10 p.m. We played new function on mobile phone. About 22.30 p.m. , I took a bath , made to do my homework and went to my bed. My brother came back his home by motorcycle.
Last Wednesday , I woke up at 7 o’clock. I didn’t have breakfast. I left home about 8.15 a.m. I arrived at university about 9.05 a.m. I learned subject “Law of negotiable” from 9.00 a.m. to 11.00 a.m. In class , teacher taught about a person who give of an aval. After finished class , I had lunch with my friends. I went to the bank for deposited my money. Later I learned subject “World Civilization” from 12.30 p.m. to 14.00 p.m. In class , teacher taught about “Scientific Revolution”. After finished class , I went to the old school. I met my old friends because that day was Teacher’s Day. I met my friends about 16.00 p.m. We bought a flower for to perform a ceremony of paying respect to one’s instructor. After that , I and my friends had dinner together then we went to separate ways. I arrived home about 20.20 p.m. I took a bath and went to my bed.
Last Thursday , I woke up at 8 o’clock. I had breakfast with my parents. I left home about 10.10 a.m. I arrived at university about 10.50 a.m. I learned subject “English For LawII” from 11.00 a.m. to 12.30 p.m. In class , teacher gave assignment of chapter 4 “The Conference” and he explained chapter 4 too. After finished class , I had lunch with my friend. After that , I learned subject “Ethic” from 14.00 p.m. to 17.00 p.m. In class , teacher told that everybody stand up for gave respect for “An Address For A Queen Who Is One’s Elder Sister”. After that , teacher reviewed an old lesson and history of Assumption University too. And he taught about “Justice & CSR”. And before finished class , he gave the case study and examination too. After finished class , I came back home. I arrived my home about 18.15 p.m. I had dinner with my parents. After that , I went to the market fair with my neighbor. I bought sweetmeats for my dad. About 20.30 p.m. , I watched television alone. And I made my household. After that , I took a bath and slept.
Last Friday , I woke up at 8 o’clock. I went to stadium near my home with my mom. I ran and walked about 3 rounds. After that , I and my mom went to the market. We arrived at home about 10.30 a.m. We had lunch together. After that , I slept. About 17.30 p.m. , I had dinner with my parents. I watched television , took a bath , made my homework and went to my bed about 23.10 p.m.
Last Saturday , I woke up at 9 o’clock. I had breakfast with my parents. I left home about 12.50 p.m. I arrived at university about 13.20 p.m. I had lunch with my friends. After that , I learned subject “Criminal LawII” from 14.00 p.m. to 18.00 p.m. After finished class , I came back home. I arrived home about 18.40 p.m. I had dinner alone. About 21.45 p.m. , I went to my bed.
Last Sunday , I woke up at 9 o’clock. I washed my car and my dad’s car. I was very tired. After that , I took a bath and had lunch. About 13.20 p.m. , I went to my bed.

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