Sunday, February 10, 2008

04/02/08 – 10/02/08
Last Monday , I woke up at 6 o’clock. I had breakfast alone. I left home about 8.05 a.m. I arrived at university about 8.45 a.m. I learned subject “Law of Finance” for 9.00 a.m. to 11.00 a.m. In class , teacher taught about “Public debts” and she warned about the report that sent her before final examination 1 week because it was free point. After finished class , I learned subject “English For LawII” from 11.00 a.m. to 12.30 p.m. In class , my friends presented their report. That day , it had chapter 10 , 11 and 12. Each chapter should have summary , main character , explained the title and vocabulary. After finished class , I learned subject “World Civilization” from 12.30 p.m. to 14.00 p.m. In class , teacher taught about “Salutary neglect” and discussed in groups. After finished class , I had lunch with my friends. Then we sat at “S building”. After that , we went to copy shop near university. We bought an old examination. Later , we learned subject “Specific Contract I” from 15.30 p.m. to 19.30 p.m. In class , teacher taught about “Hire of property”. After finished class , I had dinner with my friends. Then we went to separate ways. I came back home. I arrived home about 20.10 p.m. I made my household and took a bath. I watched television until I slept.
Last Tuesday , I woke up at 8 o’clock. I had breakfast with my mom. I left home about 10.00 a.m. I arrived at university about 10.40 a.m. I learned subject “English For LawII” from 11.00 a.m. to 12.30 p.m. In class , my friends presented their report. That day , it had chapter 13 , 14 and 15 . After finished class , I had lunch with my friends then we went to separate ways. I went to the bank in university for deposited my money. After that , I came back home . I arrived at home about 14.20 p.m. then I made my mom’s business at the bank near my home. And I dropped the supermarket. I bought snack and utensils. I arrived home about 16.10 p.m. I had dinner with my parents. After that , I made my homework. Then I sang a karaoke alone at home.
I took a bath and I went to my bed.
Last Wednesday , I woke up at 7 o’clock. I didn’t have breakfast. I left at home about 8.00 a.m. I arrived at university about 8.45 p.m. I waited my friend at the park. I learned subject “Law of negotiable” from 9.00 a.m. to 11.00 a.m. In class , teacher taught about “Bill of exchange”. After finished class , I had lunch with my friends then we went to separate ways. I learned subject “World Civilization” from 12.30 p.m. to 14.00 p.m. In class , teacher taught about “French Revolution” and my teacher told that everybody had lucky on Chinese New Year. After finished class , I came back home. I arrived at home about 15.30 p.m. I watched television from 15.45 p.m. to 15.30 p.m. I had dinner with my parents. After that , I called to my mother’s younger sister that she would to give red envelope for me. I hoped that on Chinese New Year then I would get many red envelope. About 20.30 p.m. , I watched television with my mom. After that , I made my household , made my homework and took a bath. About 00.30 a.m. , I went to my bed.
Last Thursday , I woke up at 8 o’clock. I had breakfast with my mom. I left home about 9.50 a.m. I put in oil my car at petrol station. I arrived at university about 10.45 p.m. I learned subject “English For LawII” from 11.00 a.m. to 12.30 p.m. In class , my friends presented their report. That day , it had chapter 16 , 17 and 18 and teacher told that on Monday , everybody must send notebook. After finished class , I had lunch with my friends and I bought a fish steak for my mom. After that , we went to separate ways. I came back home. I arrived home about 14.50 p.m. I went to my house of mother’s younger sister. I got red envelope 1,000 bahts. When I arrived my home then I got red envelope from my parents too. That day , it was Chinese New Year. My neighbor spot many firecrackers. It had resounding sound. About 18.00 p.m. , I and my family met at the restaurant. After that , we went to separate ways. We arrived at home about 21.20 p.m. I took a bath and went to my bed.
Last Friday , I woke up at 9 o’clock. I had breakfast with my mom. After that , I and my mom went to our shop. I helped my mom from 11.00 a.m. to 16.00 p.m. After closed our shop , we went to the super market near our home. We cooked for dinner. About 18.30 p.m. , we had dinner together then I made my household. I listened radio and watched television from 20.30 p.m. to 22.15 p.m. I called to my friend. I asked her about grade ethic because I checked my grade ethic then it was “I”. it mean that I absent that class but I didn’t absent. She told me that her grade the same. About 00.45 a.m. , I took a bath and slept.
Last Saturday , I woke up at 9 o’clock. I had breakfast alone. After that , I washed my car then I took a bath. I left at home about 12.50 p.m. I arrived at university about 13.20 p.m. I had lunch with my friends. I learned subject “Criminal Law II” from 14.00 p.m. to 18.00 p.m. After finished class , I came back home. I arrived home about 18.50 p.m. I had dinner with my parents. I took a bath and made my homework. I made my homework until 03.30 a.m.
On Sunday I wake up at 8 o’clock. I make my homework continue because it is not already. My homework must send within 13.00 p.m. I don’t have breakfast. I make my homework already about 12.10 p.m.


Jasper said...

This is a very looooong post parichad. Maybe it is better to do a few short ones in the future ;-) Or to spice it up with some images. And remember, even on Blogger you can create your own skin/theme/background!!

Jasper said...

I just realized now that this post is rather outdated. You missed three deadlines. This will affect your final grade I'm afraid. Please try to make amends.